BOL PROCESSOR BP2 -- release (2.8.0) -- March 1998
BP2 is a MacOS software for music design working in MIDI, QuickTime MIDI and Csound environments. New versions are made available from Info-Mac mirror sites (see for instance <>).
The package is made of three files in BinHex 4 format:
bol-processor-280-appl.hqx contains the program (both 68K and ppc versions)
bol-processor-280-doc.hqx contains the documentation
bol-processor-280-data.hqx contains examples
BinHex files yield self-extracting archives "sea". Use Compact Pro or StuffIt to convert from BinHex. No software is required to extract "sea" files. Double-clicking their icons (under MacOS) automatically creates folders and files.
[IMPORTANT] Users of PowerMacs: do not forget to drag the file "OMSLibPPC.slb" to the System folder (Extensions) before running BP2. Nothing else needs to be dragged to the System folder.
You will find basic and upgrade information in the "READ THIS" folder. Open "htm" files with your favourite web browser.
When running BP2 for the first time, you should download "bol-processor-280-doc.hqx" which contains "BP2 doc - MS Word" in Microsoft Word (version 5.1). The first part is a "QuickStart" manual that will guide your steps and make it easy to solve problems relating to communication with electronic music hardware. If you don't have Microsoft Word, use for instance ClarisWorks to open the file. Otherwise, drag the file to your word processor and let MacLink Plus automatically do the conversion job.
When BP2 software, documentation and examples get upgraded, similar BinHex files will be found on the same site. You may check Info-Mac from time to time and download upgrades. Send us mail even if you don't wish to register so that we insert your address in the announcement list.
The standard MIDI input/output of BP2 runs under Opcode OMS (Open Music System) which may be dowloaded from <>. Version 2.0 minimum is required. Version 2.3.2 or greater is recommended with MacOS 8.0. BP2 has an in-built MIDI driver that can be used when OMS is inactive.
BP2 also works with Csound, a public-domain software environment for the design and transformation of digitized sounds. Download Csound from <>. The Csound front page is <>.
A 50$ shareware with concession rates for unemployed or citizens of developing countries, BP2 may be freely distributed provided that no alteration has been made to the software, examples and documents. To register, first read instructions in the "Registration.txt" document, then double-click the "Register" utility in the "bol-processor-280-appl" folder.
CD-ROM publishers should get in touch with the authors to make sure that they distribute the most recent version. Permission is granted, anyway, to include this software on all Info-Mac CD-ROMs.
BP2 is checked with Disinfectant 3.7.1.
Information and comments: contact the authors even if you do not wish to register. Feedback, encouragements and harsh criticism are all welcome!